N-Gage Theme by ICEman
Icons by Flahorn
Description of Theme :
- Included Application Icon, List Icon, Note Icon & Miscellaneous icon
- Folder Icon Are made and modified by Myself
- Music Player icon changed to new style
- Added Some 3rd party icon : Lonelycat X-Plore, MobileRar, Y-Browser, Blacklist, Screenshot, Font Magnifier, Resco Photo Viewer, RotateMe, Flash, Flash Player, LCG Jukebox, Divx Player, Autolock, SmartMovie, Active File, Download!, Print Online, Visual Radio, QuickWord, QuickPoint, QuickSheet, Quick Office, Push To Talk, Snakes, Adobe Reader, Camera, Data Transfer, CorePlayer, Real Player, N-Gage Games, 3D Tones, Phyton, Tutorial, Opera Mini, Photorite, Ntorch Lite, Lifeblog, etc.
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