Black Stripes Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N96 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Black Stripes by sahej
Two versions
1> With Bars like shown in the Previous Preview
2> New Bars as Xavier Didn't like the Other one's!!
Honda Hot Wheels Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N96 N80 N82 N81 N73]
Wmp Special Edition Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Wmp Special Edition by rugge
314 3rd party icons!
Tutorial, Snakes, WLAN wizard, WLAN 2 wizard, Screenshot, Download!, AppUIDviewer, Speech, Own key, Sett. Wizard, Voice Aid, PTT, Teams Suite, Msg. Reader, Scr. Export, Printers, Zip, Welcome, Adobe reader, ProfiMail, Y-Browser, SExplorer, HandyTaskman, BestTaskMan, HandyZip, HandyClock, SysExp, PhotoRite, HandyWeather, HandySafe, HandyAlarm, Anti-Virus, Opera, ImageViewer, DivxPlayer, msn, X-plore, Rotateme, QuickOffice, Office suite, Resco Photo, Handy blacklist, Message Tones, PDF+, Phone Guardian, Remindeme, Tom Tom, Best profile, Best Calc, Active File, Conversazione, Alon mp3, Download, Trasferimento, Search in device, Ricerca v3.x, Ricerca v4.0, Toni 3d, Alarm, Lifeblog, Feeds, Time bar, Black list, Maps, MS-Dict, cClock, Calcium, Device status, Best torch, Note attive, y-task, BT keyboard, Smart Movie, Autolock, Tom Tom 2, N-gage, Centro video 1, Propria rete, Music Store, Podcasting, Barcode Reader, Tel. Internet, MFE 1, MFE 2, Conf. guidata 2, Centro video 2, Centro video 3, Stampa in linea, IR remote, Misuratore suoni, Mobigenie, Papyrus, Route 66, Garmin XT,sport Tracker, Gizmo, Handy Profiles, cCalc, Fring, Email key, Landscape Pro, Nokmote, Handy Calendar, Y-Alarms, NTorch Lite, Mosh, LCG Jukebox, MS dict viewer, SMS spam Manager, Guardian, Playserver, FlipSilent, s60Ticker, Btswitch, appQluncher, lightSabre, Shazam ID, SlovoEd. emTube, Symella, Handy Expense, EQ Restart, Message mirror lite, vbagx, UNO challenger, Virtual pool mobile, theme DY, LivePVR, Anysymbia, Flash Player, Ultimate voice recorder, Advance call manager, Advanced Device Locks, AgileMessenger, 6RBT, AlarmManager, animatedsms, Anykey, AutoLockSetup, BBirthday, bemused, CallMan3, CardDeck, ContactGuide, Coreplayer, download2, Energy_Profiler, EQ_AltTab, FSCaller, Google_Maps, Google_Nav_Handler, HandyConverter, Hier, IM+, InstFast, KAIWA_Reader, Live_TV Location_Tagger, MediaPlayer, Media_Safe, Messenger, MyNokia, mLock, MMM, MobileSearch, Mobireader, Mobitubia, MS Dict, Mword60, NewsClick, Nice_Light, Notepad_Viewer, NSysInfo, OggPlay, Opera Mini, PocketOgg, ProvisioningCx, PVPlayerGui, QuickContact, Quickpoint, Quicksheet, Quickword, Reboot, Search, S60SpotOn, ScreenSnapS60_3rd, Servizi, Share_on_line, ShutUp, SignSis, SMSDiary, smswizard, snake95, SplashPhoto, Spreadsheet, TYscreensaver, Turbo_MSN, Uploader, Hp printers, ServiceHelp, PhoNetInfo, KeyLocker, WorldMate, SIP voip Setting, Spain2go, FreeCertreq, FLV Player, Gnu Box, Widsets, SmartGuard, Panoman, Mobile Weather, Contacts Transfer, Morange, SmartSIS, Tracker, Handy Calculator, SmartLight, Python, Skebby, Ruota, BVKeysApp, Ch. in conferenza, FExplorer, eBuddy, Internet, Musica n95, SMSOne, ThemesLauncher, Route 66 Mobile 8, Navigon Mobile Navigator, Sygic, CellTrack, Google Search, HandyWi, SkyeCallerPro, Best Dictaphone, Truphone, Best MessageStorer, PowerBoot, PhotoArt, Message Mirror, locr, Adobe Reader 2, Adobe Reader 3, scanR, Nimbuzz, Zanichelli, ShakeSMS, ShakeMe, ActivityMonitor, GSMNavigator, MovingBall, InternetRadio, BestKamasutra, SmartSettings, RescoNews, metro, iSilo, BestTimer, BestCallrecorder, Location setting, IM+ for Skype, Televideo, MyID Switch, UniMsg Pro, Adobe reader 4, solution, sms shedular, Vsun Plus, Adobe Flash Lite, Phonet Info 2, JTeletext, ComingSoon, Ebay, Opera Mini 2.00, JechoCodiceFiscale, screenshot v3.03, Rocknscroll, photo card, shozu, bt_guard, microweather, rotateme v2.10Beta2, Bbirthday2, Cclock2, Fexplorer2, s60tricker2, CorePlayer2, Geotag, Bestcalc2, Bestcrypto, BestTimer2, AutoThemes, MusicN95, UtiliesN95, MusicN76, GamesN76, UtiliesN76, OfficeE51, HelpE51, JAva app, SIS app, CapsON, CapsOFF, SmartSettingsStartMenu, best message storer2, HelpE65, officeE65, Tetris, Guardian2, FSCaller 3, Slick, KMS 7.0 (kaspersky), Mobiola Webcam2, SymSMB, JbakTaskMan, bt switch, vibratecall, magic message manager, landscapepro, sms forwarder, foreca, theme magic.
Vista Light Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Vista Light By rugge
314 3rd party icons!
Tutorial, Snakes, WLAN wizard, WLAN 2 wizard, Screenshot, Download!, AppUIDviewer, Speech, Own key, Sett. Wizard, Voice Aid, PTT, Teams Suite, Msg. Reader, Scr. Export, Printers, Zip, Welcome, Adobe reader, ProfiMail, Y-Browser, SExplorer, HandyTaskman, BestTaskMan, HandyZip, HandyClock, SysExp, PhotoRite, HandyWeather, HandySafe, HandyAlarm, Anti-Virus, Opera, ImageViewer, DivxPlayer, msn, X-plore, Rotateme, QuickOffice, Office suite, Resco Photo, Handy blacklist, Message Tones, PDF+, Phone Guardian, Remindeme, Tom Tom, Best profile, Best Calc, Active File, Conversazione, Alon mp3, Download, Trasferimento, Search in device, Ricerca v3.x, Ricerca v4.0, Toni 3d, Alarm, Lifeblog, Feeds, Time bar, Black list, Maps, MS-Dict, cClock, Calcium, Device status, Best torch, Note attive, y-task, BT keyboard, Smart Movie, Autolock, Tom Tom 2, N-gage, Centro video 1, Propria rete, Music Store, Podcasting, Barcode Reader, Tel. Internet, MFE 1, MFE 2, Conf. guidata 2, Centro video 2, Centro video 3, Stampa in linea, IR remote, Misuratore suoni, Mobigenie, Papyrus, Route 66, Garmin XT,sport Tracker, Gizmo, Handy Profiles, cCalc, Fring, Email key, Landscape Pro, Nokmote, Handy Calendar, Y-Alarms, NTorch Lite, Mosh, LCG Jukebox, MS dict viewer, SMS spam Manager, Guardian, Playserver, FlipSilent, s60Ticker, Btswitch, appQluncher, lightSabre, Shazam ID, SlovoEd. emTube, Symella, Handy Expense, EQ Restart, Message mirror lite, vbagx, UNO challenger, Virtual pool mobile, theme DY, LivePVR, Anysymbia, Flash Player, Ultimate voice recorder, Advance call manager, Advanced Device Locks, AgileMessenger, 6RBT, AlarmManager, animatedsms, Anykey, AutoLockSetup, BBirthday, bemused, CallMan3, CardDeck, ContactGuide, Coreplayer, download2, Energy_Profiler, EQ_AltTab, FSCaller, Google_Maps, Google_Nav_Handler, HandyConverter, Hier, IM+, InstFast, KAIWA_Reader, Live_TV Location_Tagger, MediaPlayer, Media_Safe, Messenger, MyNokia, mLock, MMM, MobileSearch, Mobireader, Mobitubia, MS Dict, Mword60, NewsClick, Nice_Light, Notepad_Viewer, NSysInfo, OggPlay, Opera Mini, PocketOgg, ProvisioningCx, PVPlayerGui, QuickContact, Quickpoint, Quicksheet, Quickword, Reboot, Search, S60SpotOn, ScreenSnapS60_3rd, Servizi, Share_on_line, ShutUp, SignSis, SMSDiary, smswizard, snake95, SplashPhoto, Spreadsheet, TYscreensaver, Turbo_MSN, Uploader, Hp printers, ServiceHelp, PhoNetInfo, KeyLocker, WorldMate, SIP voip Setting, Spain2go, FreeCertreq, FLV Player, Gnu Box, Widsets, SmartGuard, Panoman, Mobile Weather, Contacts Transfer, Morange, SmartSIS, Tracker, Handy Calculator, SmartLight, Python, Skebby, Ruota, BVKeysApp, Ch. in conferenza, FExplorer, eBuddy, Internet, Musica n95, SMSOne, ThemesLauncher, Route 66 Mobile 8, Navigon Mobile Navigator, Sygic, CellTrack, Google Search, HandyWi, SkyeCallerPro, Best Dictaphone, Truphone, Best MessageStorer, PowerBoot, PhotoArt, Message Mirror, locr, Adobe Reader 2, Adobe Reader 3, scanR, Nimbuzz, Zanichelli, ShakeSMS, ShakeMe, ActivityMonitor, GSMNavigator, MovingBall, InternetRadio, BestKamasutra, SmartSettings, RescoNews, metro, iSilo, BestTimer, BestCallrecorder, Location setting, IM+ for Skype, Televideo, MyID Switch, UniMsg Pro, Adobe reader 4, solution, sms shedular, Vsun Plus, Adobe Flash Lite, Phonet Info 2, JTeletext, ComingSoon, Ebay, Opera Mini 2.00, JechoCodiceFiscale, screenshot v3.03, Rocknscroll, photo card, shozu, bt_guard, microweather, rotateme v2.10Beta2, Bbirthday2, Cclock2, Fexplorer2, s60tricker2, CorePlayer2, Geotag, Bestcalc2, Bestcrypto, BestTimer2, AutoThemes, MusicN95, UtiliesN95, MusicN76, GamesN76, UtiliesN76, OfficeE51, HelpE51, JAva app, SIS app, CapsON, CapsOFF, SmartSettingsStartMenu, best message storer2, HelpE65, officeE65, Tetris, Guardian2, FSCaller 3, Slick, KMS 7.0 (kaspersky), Mobiola Webcam2, SymSMB, JbakTaskMan, bt switch, vibratecall, magic message manager, landscapepro, sms forwarder, foreca, theme magic.
Feathers Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]
Golden City Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Golden City by Krisnbp modified to 3rd edition by dmoe
excellent theme was originally a 2nd edition theme and now changed for Nokia N Series phones
Icy cave Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Icy cave by TzF
Wallpapers Also Added wit the pack
Some Samples
Some Samples

Download Both Theme and Wallpaper here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
Mobile Suite Edition Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Mobile Suite Edition by duato
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
Terminator: TSCC Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Terminator: TSCC by Flahorn
176x208px (Nokia 3250, N70, N72)
240x320px (Nokia 5700, N73, N95, etc)
Both the files attached..
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
FuN Theme For Nokia N Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

For All Screen Sizes
3rd party icons included:
System apps : Download!, Search, My nokia, My video, Video center, Welcome, Pod Casting, Music store, Keyboard, Active search, In device search, Home media, Setting wizard, Life Blog, Maps, Wlan Wizard, Share online, N-gage games, Bar code, Own key, Adobe reader, Msg reader, Speech, Voice aid, Screen export, Printers, HP Printer, Team suite, Flash player, Play server, Quick office, zip manager, Transfert, Location tagger.
External apps : FSCaller, Active file, Y-Browser, Core player, Screenshot, LCG Jukebox, Hany taskman, Active notes, Rotate Me, Divx Player, Handy blacklist, Fexplorer, AppQlaunch, BTSwitch, Office Suite, Opera, Windows Live Messenger, X-plore, MP3 Player, Resco photo viewer, Advanced Device Locks, EMTube, Handy Profiles, Handy Clock, Handy Calendar, Handy Expense, Handy Converter, Handy Calculator, Handy Weather, BBirthday, Remind Me, Sports Tracker, ParkWifi Detector, NTorch Lite, Extended Recorder, Handy Weather, Psiloc Hotspot Finder, Profimail.
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
BMW M1 Theme For Nokia N-Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

BMW M1 concept by Supertonic
Homage for the 30 anniversary of the BMW M1
Theme in 3 version: A,B,C all included in the rar pack.
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
Mynokia Theme For Nokia N-Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Mynokia By bandez
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
White Globe Theme For Nokia N-Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

White Globe by bandez
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
Golf Theme For Nokia N-Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

For All Screen Sizes
3rd party icons included:
System apps : Download!, Search, My nokia, My video, Video center, Welcome, Pod Casting, Music store, Keyboard, Active search, In device search, Home media, Setting wizard, Life Blog, Maps, Wlan Wizard, Share online, N-gage games, Bar code, Own key, Adobe reader, Msg reader, Speech, Voice aid, Screen export, Printers, HP Printer, Team suite, Flash player, Play server, Quick office, zip manager, Transfert, Location tagger.
External apps : FSCaller, Active file, Y-Browser, Core player, Screenshot, LCG Jukebox, Hany taskman, Active notes, Rotate Me, Divx Player, Handy blacklist, Fexplorer, AppQlaunch, BTSwitch, Office Suite, Opera, Windows Live Messenger, X-plore, MP3 Player, Resco photo viewer, Advanced Device Locks, EMTube, Handy Profiles, Handy Clock, Handy Calendar, Handy Expense, Handy Converter, Handy Calculator, Handy Weather, BBirthday, Remind Me, Sports Tracker, ParkWifi Detector, NTorch Lite, Extended Recorder, Handy Weather, Psiloc Hotspot Finder, Profimail.
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
Leopard v1.3 Theme For Nokia N-Series[N95 N80 N82 N81 N73]

Theme Leopard v1.3 S60 3rd -N95 8GB by 3d'zygn
- +90 party icons (best app S60 skinned)
opera, msn, Divx player, Google map, X-plorer, Lcg tools, Y-tools......
- Wallpapers
- divers correct
- more stuff...
Download here
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
For All Symbian OS 9.1 [N95 N81 N73 N82...]
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